
The pressure regulators FG/FG-M/FGB/FGB-M are designed to reduce the pressure of natural gas and lp gas in civil, industrial and commercial applications.

The FG series pressure regulators are direct acting spring loaded regulator type, controlled by a diaphragm and counter spring, designed to provide high precision in regulation. The FG/FG-M/FGB/FGB-M regulators are CE marked and approved by Bureau Veritas under the Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU (PED) according with EN 334 / EN 14382.

The FG/FGB 250-350-500 series are designed to be mainly used for gas train installation with sudden flow rate changes, in all sectors of industry: iron, steel, glass, ceramics and in all commercial applications, to operate close to the industrial burners and heat generators thanks for its excellent regulation and lock-up behaviour. Thanks to larger diameter size of diaphragm they guarantee the high flow rate, excellent outlet pressure control, minimum differential pressure and high control accuracy.

Body size DN25x40; DN40x40; DN50x50
Connections threaded EN 10226 o NPT
Flanged UNI (PN) – ANSI
Inlet pressure range BP-MP 0,5 ÷ 10 bar / 7,5÷145 psi
TR1-TR 0,5 ÷ 20 bar / 7,5÷290 psi
Outlet pressure range 15 ÷ 4000 mbar / 0,21÷60 psi
Safety devices OPSO&UPSO (option)
Top entry Easy maintenance without the need to remove the body from the line
Monitor FG-M / FGB-M (option)
Ready for the new green gases • Hydrogen ready (blend of Natural Gas+ Hydrogen over 20% H2);
• Biomethan / BioNaturalGas

Make: Italy


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