
The VB shut-off valve, also called pressure switch valve SSV or UPSO-OPSO, have the scope to stop the gas flow when downstream pressure comes out of its operating range.

VB shut-off valve may be integrated with FG pressure regulators (FGB version) or as a single device.

The safety shut-off valves VB are designed as safety devices of gas plants for civil, industrial and
commercial applications. They are suitable for low, medium and high pressure.

They are direct acting type and they could be setted for pressure increase (over pressure OPSO) or
pressure decrease (under pressure UPSO).

Body size DN25x25; DN25x40; DN40x40; DN50x50
Connections threaded EN 10226 o NPT
Flanged UNI (PN) – ANSI
Inlet pressure range BP-MP 0,5 ÷ 10 bar / 7,5÷145 psi
TR 0,5 ÷ 20 bar / 7,5÷290 psi
Outlet pressure range 6 ÷ 5800 mbar / 0,09÷84 psi
Top entry Easy maintenance without the need to remove the body from the line
Ready for the new green gases • Hydrogen ready (blend of Natural Gas+ Hydrogen over 20% H2);
• Biomethan / BioNaturalGas

Make: Italy


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